We all want to be alone sometimes. But what if we want to be alone all the time? Does that simply make one an “introvert?”
It’s tempting to embrace the romanticism of being a “loner.” Indeed, our culture celebrates the individual. But all the research shows us that we need others, not just to be happy and well-adjusted, and not just to depend upon, but simply to live.
You may reply “but I’m with others all day - at work, on the subway, out on the street, and I’m not happy in any of these places.” None of these places nurture us the way a community can. But they can trick us into thinking we don’t want to be with any people, when really, we just don’t want to be with strangers. Or we don’t want to be at work! Does that mean we are lazy or undeserving of food, clothes and shelter?
Has anyone ever asked you that question? Are you worthy? Why or why not?