What do you want to do?

What do you want out of life? What do you want to be doing for work? With whom do you want to spend your time? According to what values do you want to live?

If you’re able to answer those questions, a follow-up question is: Are you taking steps toward the life you just described? If the answer is no, you need to start doing that ASAP. That doesn’t means quit your job or move to a monastery tomorrow, (it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do that either!) It means, do something every week, and eventually, every day, that moves you in that direction.

Many times we apply for jobs we don’t want, stay in unhappy relationships and live in miserable places, out of habit. Consider that first one alone? How likely are you to land the job you didn’t really want in the first place? How successful will you be if you do get it?

It’s not always easy to get out of these situations, but if your gut is telling you to do so, then listen! Take small steps now and bigger ones later. You need an exit strategy. Sometimes having that is enough to get you through the days between now and then.